if you have a credit card, or your guardian has a credit guard you are involved in economics - if you pay interest or something, or your guardian does, you are contributing to economics - if you have ever donated any amount of money to any sort of charity then you are contributing to economics - if you or a guardian has written or received a check, they are involved in economics
Treaty of Versailles and President Wilson's 14th points.
Both the Treaty of Versailles and 14th points are somewhat related as they both deals with Germany. Both tried to punish Germany because of the First World War which bought deaths and destruction.
Both wanted the return of Alsace Lorraine to France.
The 14th Points by President Wilson were less harsh than the Treaty of Versailles which was imposed by Allied powers with France, Britain, etc.
The 14 points are mainly to establish countries independence in Europe with peace. The treaty focuses on punishing the Germans by putting the blame and reparation terms.
On December 14, 1799, Washington died of a severe respiratory ailment. He humbly identified himself in his will as George Washington, of Mount Vernon, a citizen of the United States. I am not sure what you mean it says I'm thinking you meant citizens review George Washington so I'm not quite sure what the question is but I hope this helps some it may not I don't know.
Tenure of Office Act
In 1868, President Andrew Johnson was impeached after he removed Secretary of War Edwin Stanton from office without first getting approval from the Senate. President Johnson was impeached because he had violated the Tenure of Office Act.
The Tenure of Office Act was a United States federal law which was putt in place to restrict the power of the president from removing some people in government without the approval of the Senate. President Andrew Johnson flouted this law when he removed Secretary of War Edwin Stanton from office without first getting approval from the Senate.