A census is what this is called. A census (depending on the type and by who is conducting it) basically counts something like the number of people in the population so that whoever is using it can get accurate results for something. Like lets say a king wanted a census of his people, animals, soldiers. He would instantly have his men count all the people in the city. They would record the amount of animals. And the same for soldiers. Then they would put all this information in a big book and keep it in the palace. It was frequently updated as people moved or died.
Interest is calculated as a percentage of a loan balance, paid to the lender periodically for the privilege of using there money.
</span>Depression of wages may occur but this seems to be temporary.
Having workers willing to work for relatively low pay may allow employers to ignore productivity, training and innovation.
Migrants may be exploited.
Increases in population can put pressure on public services.
Unemployment may rise if there are unrestricted numbers of incomers.
There may be integration difficulties and friction with local people.<span>Positive
</span>Job vacancies and skills gaps can be filled.
Economic growth can be sustained.
Services to an ageing population can be maintained when there are insufficient young people locally.
<span>The pension gap can be filled by the contributions of new young workers and they also pay taxes.
</span>Job vacancies and skills gaps can be filled.
Economic growth can be sustained.
Services to an ageing population can be maintained when there are insufficient young people locally.
The pension gap can be filled by the contributions of new young workers and they also pay taxes.
Immigrants bring energy and innovation.
<span>Host countries are enriched by cultural diversity.</span><span>