The Thirteen Colonies, also known as the Thirteen British Colonies or the Thirteen American Colonies, were a group of colonies of Great Britain on the Atlantic coast of America founded in the 17th and 18th centuries which declared independence in 1776 and formed the United States of America.The main long term causes were based on the inequality between the Great Britain's colonies in America and Great Britain, such as the rights, declaratory acts, the intolerable acts, sugar act, the proclamation and taxation.
The correct answer is Ancient Egypt. The games were very different than what is played today as bowling, or different types of it, but the concept was the same, you would have a bunch of pins and a rolling ball and the goal was to put as many of them down as you can by rolling it.
D. The Speaker of the House.
While technically it would be the Vice President, he does not usually spend anytime at the Capitol, so it would be the speaker.
Independence Hall, Philadelphia, PA