Global poverty is defined as the number of people worldwide who live on less than $1.90 a day. A person surviving on less than $1.90 a day lives in extreme poverty, as defined by the World Bank.
flashbulb memories
The idea that people typically recall accurately where they were actaully when they heard about September 11, 2001, attacks but are less precise about what they were doing or telling them, leads experts to conclude that flashbulb memories, though not fully reliable, contain "substantial kernels of accuracy."
A flashbulb memory is a finely detailed, extraordinarily detailed ' snapshot ' of the instant and circumstances where a piece of shocking (or emotionally exciting) news has been received.
Major threats to pioneer life and limb came from accidents, exhaustion, and disease. Crossing rivers were probably the most dangerous thing pioneers did. Swollen rivers could tip over and drown both people and oxen. Such accidents could cause the loss of life and most or all of valuable supplies.
The behavior change resulting from your self management project