Do you think that digital tablets promote teamwork? Why
C. Writing: Write two paragraphs (6-8 sentences each) well detailed and organized on the following topic:
Alberto Fujimori, a Peruvian-Japanese politician, fought terrorists and drug traffickers with a strong hand; However, at the same time, he was forced to resign from the presidency due to internal corruption. What are the limits that must overcome a president who, on the one hand, fights internal corruption with a strong hand? Are there similar cases in the US government? If so, how have they solved it?
I'm not the best at translating but here-
1- Blocking a sneeze from others
2-A thermometer
4- ahmed abre la oficina del dentista
javier usa hilo dental cuando tiene comida entre los dientes
martha usa la mandibula
trisha se sienta en la silla del dentista
5-They both will find something in return