I think it might be A because the part, also and ,marine is a little confusing.
Cuban Missile Crisis- Sub incident
How it impacted my day to day life: I probably wouldn't be born.
October 27, 1962: A aircraft was shot down by the Soviets while over Cuba, killing its pilot, causing tensions to escalate to their highest point.
Later, a Soviet submarine was detected trying to break the blockade that the US Navy had established around Cuba. In response the destroyer USS Beale dropped fake warning torpedoes an attempt to make the submarine surface.
But while the action was designed to encourage the Soviet submarines to surface, the crew of B-59 had been incommunicado and so were unaware of the intention. They thought they were witnessing the beginning of a third world war. The captain of the sub, Valentin Savitsky, thought the submarine was under attack and ordered to prepare the submarine's nuclear torpedo to be launched at the aircraft carrier USS Randolf.
All three senior officers aboard the B-59 had to agree to the launch before it happened. Fortunately, the B-59's second in command, Vasili Arkhipov, disagreed with his other two counterparts, and convinced the captain to surface and await orders from Moscow.
Had it been launched, the fate of the world would have been very different: the attack would probably have started a nuclear war which would have caused global devastation, with unimaginable numbers of civilian deaths.
swinging from birches as a boy
Definition<span> of </span>root<span> for Students. 1 : the leafless underground part of a plant that absorbs water and minerals, stores food, and holds the plant in place. ... 7 : a word or part of a word from which other words are obtained by adding a prefix or suffix <The word “hold” is the </span>root<span> of “holder.”>
Have a superb day!</span>
Animals have limited sight when it comes to color so for a tiger it wouldn’t matter if their bright orange because it would still be hard for their pray to distinguish between the gray of the tiger and the gray of the grass. For humans we can see all the colors so we have to make our camo compatible with many different environments.
This differs from what an animal may require as some species spend their entire lives in a very small region of the environment some Blendon so well that their environment that they become almost in distinguishable from plants or in organic nonliving features of that ecosystem while the camouflage animals employee must also be very effective their lives depend on it in a way that is different from how a soldier depends on their