Answer: when someone describes the United States as a “democratic republic” they are simply stating that we the citizens rule our government, that we have certain rights, and that we choose our representatives.
Should be right I hope
Mauryan Empire
united Indian for the first time
ruled by Ashoka
used army to conquer territory
lasted only about 100 years
Gupta Empire
called India's "Golden Age"
used the modern numbering system
made great cultural advancements
lasted from 320-600 CE
expanded trade with Europe, China
Cultural exchanges such as goods, technology, and ideas opened during the Age of Exploration
- The age of exploration or known as the age of discovery occurred during the 17 th century when the European ship traveled around the world
- There were two types of exchange such as biological exchange and cultural exchange.
- The biological exchange involved plants, animals, and diseases
- The cultural exchange involved goods, technology and ideas.
- Age of exploration bought together people with different colors and ethnicity together and taught the people about the outside world.
- Age of exploration leads to inventions in this world which lead to the current age of technology.