Answer:The color wheel consists of three primary colors (red, yellow, blue), three secondary colors (colors created when primary colors are mixed: green, orange, purple) and six tertiary colors (colors made from primary and secondary colors, such as blue-green or red-violet).
What are the 7 color schemes?
The major color schemes in art are analogous, complementary, split-complementary, triadic, rectangular and monochromatic. These color schemes utilize colors at certain locations on the color wheel.Mar 7, 2019
<span>Victor initially refuses to create a female companion for him. He argues that their "joint wickedness" would be enough to destroy the world. but eventually agrees due to the fact he is terrified of the idea that the creature might seek revenge for not building the female.</span>
Li Hongbo is best known for his lifelike paper sculptures, made entirely out of paper and glue. His work has been exhibited in museums around the world.
it corrects over saturated colors.
✨That’s actually really nice why she mad tho✨