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La escala menor natural es equivalente al modo eólico de la escala mayor. La escala menor natural de la (que coincide con las teclas blancas del piano al igual que su relativo mayor, do mayor) está formada por las notas: la, si, do, re, mi, fa, sol y la. ... Esto nos da como resultado la llamada escala menor armónica.
since he is a director he would guide the actors point no D and coordinate lighting director and also set up a backdrop for a scene
I would say stress(A). If her parents are angry, they probably wouldn't be overprotective. She wouldn't have a improvement at school if she was stressed. If anything, her grades would drop. She wouldn't have a secure relationship with one parent, if the where both angry. Hope this helped! <span />
Everyone has a different way of viewing art. It could be the way your brain perceives the colors or lack of them, what stands out about the piece to you personally and/or just in general, and your art style preferences because not everybody takes interest in the same type/style of art. :)