Wendell Phillips was pro women's rights. He believed that if we came this far to be free, then all should have that freedom. From the quote itself you can see that he is Pro women's rights due to the fact that he states if you give woman the ability or power to vote and speak there mind men will see they have something worth listening to, and allow them to proceed.
The Olive Branch petition was adopted by the continental congress in July 1775, because of preventing the war against Britain, therefore the petition vowed allegiance to the Crown and entreated the King to prevent further conflict, claiming that the colonies did not seek independence but merely wanted to negotiate trade and tax regulations with Great Britain. Refer to Lumen.com
1. 1918
2. A
3. B
4. A
6. B
Whereas Locke spoke of life, liberty and estate, the Declaration of Independence speaks in terms of life, liberty, and the <u>pursuit of happiness</u><u>.</u>
In John Locke's way of framing his theory, "life, liberty, and estates" all constitute an individual's personal property. We normally think of "property" just in terms of one's "estate" -- that is land, house, belongings. From Locke's perspective, however, our property is <u>everything</u> that belongs to us as persons, which begins with our personhood itself. Having life and personal liberty -- those are the most important things we possess. Then comes "estate" or our land, house, belongings.
Thomas Jefferson's words in the Declaration of Independence have a similar theme, though worded differently. Pursuing happiness--a meaningful and fulfilling life--cannot happen unless life and liberty are respected and protected first.