I would say Carl should create a type of business report called a business proposal.
Sending a resume would make sense too though.
Doing nothing makes no sense, so that option is obviously out!
Leaving a long voicemail would be a very poor choice, so definitely not that either!
C. Affixes.
Memory tricks are those methods and means that an individual may employ so that he will be able to remember the things that are important and necessary. Different people uses different means of remembering things in their own ways. Some employs the use of acronyms as a way of remembering while others associate it with rhyming words. Some also uses images in their memory tricks, according to what works best for them. But affixes are not part of this memory trick. They are not even usable to be a source of remembering anything. Affixes are rather used to be added to another word as a source of making new words. Acronyms are easy as the initial letters of the words help in easy memorization, rhymes also help in remembering things as well. Images also enables an individual to easily associate a picture with the thing he wants to remember.
What I would have noted would be:
- Mayella has a difficult life.
- She hired Tom for a job and guaranteed to pay him a nickel.
- Did Mayella really offer Tom money?
- Tom raped her when she went to get his payment at home.
Mayella is a character from "To kill a mockingbird". In her testimony, she states that she hired Tom Robinsson, a black man, to beat an old man. She says that she would pay a nickel for the service and that he agreed, but when she went into the house to get the money, Tom followed and raped her. Mayella also claims that she leads a difficult life taking care of her brothers and father who has problems with drinking.
About this testimony, the jury can write down important information, about how Mayella has a complicated life, why she got in touch with Tom and how Tom managed to get into her house.
Answer: A
Explanation: Periods, commas, or colons are not needed in this case because the sentence can stand on its own.
what's the argument supposed to be about