1. An academic institution is offering a research grant to understand the lived experience of people who suffer from bipolar dis
order. Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a mental disorder where the person has onc or more episodes of intense highs and/or lows. People who have this disorder may also lose touch with reality and experience psychotic thinking during an episode. It happens that your mother is suffering from bipolar disorder. You know that, in the long run, the findings of this study would help alleviate her suffering.
However, you have apprehensions about telling your mother that she is the subject of your study since you are afraid that this might trigger her to have a psychotic episode due to the unpredictable nature of her disorder - this means that anything could be a potential trigger for her.
You are desperate to alleviate your mom's suffering including those who have the same disorder, so, you have pushed through with your study and decided not to tell your mother that she is the subject of your research.
In this scenario, are you committing an ethical violation or are you upholding the code of ethics? Justify your answer.
Am not going home to get my back massage until after i i i i i the boys are doing good so i i the kids are doing fine i to get my nails done before my bed and my head are hurting my stomach hurt so i the baby is hurting so much i to be my fault like that and i to sleep in here and she said no i the