Maps and globes are drawn to scale and use symbols to represent topography and other features on Earth's surface. Grid lines on maps and globes are often used, with lines curving because the Earth is a sphere. The baselines for measuring distance on Earth are the equator and the Prime Meridian. Satellites are also often used as a mean to graph.
Physical processes are the natural forces that change earths features.
it is the first country to run on zreo cardon emissions
it because the world first country to become green
<em>Anytime observations need to be clarified. When an unusual condition need to be shown for later reference.</em>
Instead of just recording the data the is sometimes important to be sketched out as the data observed is needed to be clarified and also sometimes there is an unusual condition that occurs and hence, it is important to sketch it so that it can be used for later reference.
<em>Therefore, when we are aware of the situation we need not sketch the data.</em>