The date in Winston's diary is significant, as the lack of records caused him to lose memories of the past, as shown in option A.
<h3>Why is the date so significant?</h3>
- Winston is tired of the party's manipulation, which doesn't let people keep memories, know the date and not even have records that prove situations.
- By putting the date in the diary, Winston shows his first act of rebellion, where he repudiates the lack of freedom, knowledge, and registration.
- He doesn't even know if the date is correct, but he needs to position himself and create a document that proves his actions from then on.
So Winston knew that the party would be challenged through his notes, which is the first step towards freedom.
More information about "1984" at the link:
Answer: words are how you talk and what you use to dcribe stuff
Answers are:-
1. The question must be clear, concise, and have a single focus for research.
2. The question must be able to be answered using research from valid sources.
A research question is considered effective if it is valid, concise and clear. It should have a single focus. It cannot be ambiguous. We cannot answers a research question by either saying yes or no. Valid sources need to be researched to answer it. Only then, we can draw a proper conclusion to the same.
Thus, out of the given options first ans second statement are correct about a research question. Neither the question must not be related directly or indirectly to the topic as per third statement nor it should be simple as per fourth. The question must not have sub topics as per statement five, Thus, correct answers are statement one and two.
Answer: [See full attached image]
(1) <em>ckwcloall </em>
<h3>(1) wall clock </h3>
(2) <em>akoeofbc </em>
<h3>(2) #</h3>
(3) <em>nilegnifac</em>
<h3>(3) ceiling fan </h3>
(4) <em>mresceboeinl</em>
<h3>(4) <em>mobile screen </em></h3>
(5) <em>rsiomagsrlr</em>
<h3>(5) mirrorglass</h3>
(6)<em> bhtdeees </em>
<h3>(6) bedsheet</h3>
(7) <em>orimrr</em>
<h3>(7) mirror </h3>
(8) <em>bkoo </em>
<h3>(8) book</h3>
Note: ( <em># </em>) there are words not allowed in Brainly. See full attached image.
He accidentally cut himself while he was chopping the vegetables.
She bought a present for herself.
We helped ourselves to the free drinks at the launch party.
They injured themselves during the rugby match.
I enjoyed myself at the concert.
The dog is scratching itself – it must have fleas!