The heart is happiest when it beats for otherwhat do you think it means
2 answers:
it means that ur heart is happier when it is ripped from your body and transfered to another lving being and starts beating. thank you
H appi ness is a state of mind tha t cann ot be put in words but has to be experienced . L i f e can be made full of joy and happiness if it is understo od th e ri ght way. As sorrow becomes halved when share d with othe rs , happiness beco me double d whe n yo u share it with your love ones.Happ i n e s s cann ot be curtail ed or confined to one single concept .
There are vari ous things that cau se happi ness depe nding upon the mentali ty of the per son . I f million s of doll ars can cause to the rea son , the beau tiful bloom of r ose or the smile of a small baby can bring unbound happin ess to another. The foll owing qoutes give an idea of the vast diver sity of things in life that are resp onsible for brin ging happiness. But in a nutshell , happiness can be br ought abo ut by chan g e of mind or attitude or altera tion in the perspec tive but it is one thing in life that cannot b e bou ght by mone y .
I hope it helps ty po pls make me brainliest thanks po .
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Long, extended sentences.
<span>B) Many people moved from farms and small towns to cities to find employment in textile factories</span>
I don't have a specific answer to this question but i know its a whole lot. i hope this will help.