New Granada (Colombia and Panama), Venezuela, and Quito (Ecuador)
Answer:In “Marigolds” Lizabeth has one major change. She grows up and is no longer a child. At the beginning of the story, she remarks on the innocence of the children. She says,
“…. we were somewhat unaware of the world outside our community” (pg 1)
She knew that something was happening to her because she no longer enjoyed the childish games of the past. She reflects that she had,
“…a strange restlessness of body and of spirit, a feeling that something old and familiar was ending and something unknown and therefore terrifying was beginning.” (pg 1)
When the group was bored and decided to annoy Miss Lottie, Lizabeth went along reluctantly, but , when challenged, she did get into the action and threw the first rock. However, when it was all over with, she did not join in the celebration.
He wanted europe to stay out of the busness of the americas
The core beliefs of Christianity is Jesus is the Son of God and Jesus is the Messiah.
Christianity is one of the world religions and there are a few core beliefs in Christianity. Christians believe that the words of God are true and there is no fallacy in the Holy Gospel. • Jesus is the Son of God and is equal with God (John 1:1, 49; Luke 22:70; Mark 3:11; Philippians 2:5–11). This is the core belief of all the Christians. They believe in monotheism.
He came from the Holy father and he is the son of God who descended to relieve people from their sins as how a pregnant mother does all work inn order to give birth to a new life similarly Lord Jesus purifies the heart of the sinners when the individual surrenders his sins.
Since then, however, historians saw that the United States quickly turned from fighting the Japanese to challenging the Soviet Union. Recognizing that after the surrender of Germany, the Soviets were pledged to join the war against Japan, the United States had sought to end the Pacific war quickly before Soviet forces could move into East Asia. The atomic bomb was meant both to prevent Soviet expansion into the Pacific and to demonstrate to Joseph Stalin that the United States possessed a weapon which could destroy any city in the world.