Root words are parts of words which cannot be divided any further, but which have some kind of meaning on their own. Here, I believe that root words are cred, graph, and vis.
Cred (as found in credible, credibility), means something believable; graph (as in graphic) means to write; vis (as in visible) means to see. Anti, con, and post are all prefixes, which means they are added to words and cannot be root words thus.
A time I judged someone by their appearance was when I was at the hospital for a checkup. A guy, who was in a wheel chair, came in yelling and screaming very loudly and being very rude to the people around him. Everyone, even the staff members judged this guy by how he came in and acted all crazy. I assumed that he was on drugs or something else, but in reality I shouldn't have judged him, as well as the staff members that were working that day. A physician who has taken care of this guy for a while came and talked to him in a calm and gentle voice to this guy, and he just bursted into tears. The guy told the physician that he had enough with all the treatments and appointments he had to go through to get better. I shouldn't have judged him by the way he acted and the way he appeared in-front of everyone because in the end I didn't know his story and I should have considered being in his place and feeling what he had to go through.
Nearly 6000 people were injured and 2,997 were dead in 9/11 attack. Since then, the way of Islamic terrorism has changed forever and so the United States Army’s response to the Islamic terrorism by the introduction of Bush Doctrain .
Iraq was the first country to feel the effect of the Bush Doctrine.
The Bush Doctrine is related to the principles of George W. Bush’s foreign policies. The Bush Doctrine described a specific policy about preemptive strikes. The policy which claimed the right of United States to launch attack over a foreign country in case the country futures threat to US security.
The Bush Doctrine results in America’s invasion on Iraq in 2003 for harboring terrorists who involved in plotting the 9/11 attack.
strong thesis statement: states a claim that can be backed up with evidence, answers a major question related to literary work, and is open to argument.
weak thesis statement: states facts about the topic, and focuses on a very specific word.