Macbeth is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, believed to be first presented in 1606. After ordering his men to murder his good friend Banquo, Macbeth sees the ghost of his friend, during a dinner with some nobles. Being confronted by his murdered victim, Macbeth loses self-control and completely ignoring his important guests, he interacts and discusses with the ghost. His distress and despair are signs that he lost control and he surrenders to his extreme guilt. Shakespeare wants to show that our evil acts will eventually come back to haunt us.
they involve fundamental concepts that are unavoidable by the thoughtful person.
one is better than the other
El teatro es un género literario creado para ser representado. Es el arte de componer obras dramáticas. ... Se entiende por drama la historia que narra los acontecimientos de unos personajes. Tiene su origen en las danzas realizadas por el hombre primitivo alrededor del fuego.