The 13th admendent took away slavery in 1865. But in order to protect the former slaves' rights they had to create to more admendments which is where the 14th admendment comes in.
for the 14th admendments, the imapct for that one was that the U.S. Constitution now protected all U.S. citizens (including former slaves) from state-level policies that discriminated against them because of their race.
for the 15th admendment, this one granted african americans the right to vote by stating this "right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."
for the 19th admendment gave women the right to vote so this one mostly impacted on women, changing a lot of things since only men were allowed to do so.
for the 24th admendment, it prohibited any poll tax in elections for federal officials.
for the last one, the 26th admndment. This is where the phrase "old enough to fight, old enough to vote" comes in. during World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt lowered the age for the military draft to 18, at a time when the minimum voting age was 21.
Hope this helped!!!!
Not very helpful, he hadn't fufilled any of his presidual duties.
Red: The color of blood and, therefore, of martyrdom. Worn on the feasts of martyrs as well as Palm Sunday, Pentecost, Good Friday and celebrations of Jesus Christ's passion.
I am not 100% sure but I believe the answer is A