The "Washington" in this question, of course, is Booker T. Washington, an African-American leader. Washington advocated gradualism. That meant being patient and doing what white society would allow, which meant changes and better times for blacks would come slowly.
A different point of view was taken by another leader in the black community: W.E.B. DuBois. Dubois noted that Washington's approach was not accomplishing any real gains for blacks. He also felt that Washington's point of view showed acceptance of the racial inferiority of blacks. Plus he saw that institutions in the black community were being dominated by persons like Washington, rather than really empowering all individuals for themselves.
DuBois argued that all black citizens should have the right to vote, equality as citizens, and access to education according to their abilities.
Wilson had a direct approach to problems while Roosevelt had an indirect approach, both of them had the same agenda regarding cartels but they had different ways of solving the problem.
Roosevelt defended natural resources putting them on federal protection and, safeguarded laborers rights.
Wilson focused mainly on the Triple Wall of Privilege, it meant that he would attack tariffs, banks, and trusts. Different from Roosevelt, Wilson didn’t distinguish good trusts from bad trusts, he was against any trust.
As part of the war effort, the U.S. government also attempted to guide economic activity via centralized price and production controls administered by the War Industries Board, the Food Administration, and the Fuel Administration.
Economic changes that came during the Commercial Revolution include inflation due to the flood of gold and silver into Europe, the stock exchange, and what we recognize today as the modern banking system
To help not make bad decisions lol
hope this helps