“Still others were transposed into stories in a completely different land and culture such as Ran (1985), a Japanese tale of samurai based mostly on King Lear.” ( Paragraph 8)
b. preposition (informal. They mean "around" Montreal.)
c. noun (thing)
e. interjection (something people from emotion like wow!)
f. adverb (describing how the person works: well... or not well)
g. noun (thing)
h. adjective (describing how the person feels)
i. pronoun (formal for "you in general")
j. adjective (describing the number of games)
k. noun (the thing that is being talked about)
l. adjective (describing the crowd, which is a noun)
m. verb (record as in the action)
n. noun (thing)
I'm not sure I'm reading this right but if the question is "what is a synonym for dictated" then, "ordered" could be a good word to use.
sorry if I read the question wrong!