Her body, unconscious is the kitchen. (was this a story prompt?)
Mack claimed that it was tough to read about Shakespeare but it is worth reading it.
Like the theater-mad student prince, Shakespeare's own reading of classical and contemporary texts is extensive, and watching him transform others' words into lively plots, puns, and persons is the nearest insight we get into his working practices.
It becomes very hard to read the stories and the plays written by Shakespeare because of the language written by him. But it is worth putting in efforts to read about his plays and stories because once you understand the meaning, you thoroughly enjoy it.
A topic sentence for lord of the flies could be like about the boys going savage, or the way they organize who does what, another one could be how the boys make rules.
there is no period right after happen
charlie at the end of the story is mostly the same but at the end he was a little bit smarter, and aware that he was once smart. now he feels humiliated b/c he isn't as smart as he once was.