{Hello Kirito here! I hope my answer is helpful to what you need have a nice day!}
The correct answer is the following. The elements of creation that this myth explain are water and land, fire, sun, air, people and animals. We are referring to the Iroquois Creation Myth. It says that long before Earth was created there was an island floating in the sky, the home of the sky people.
{Agian hope i helped you!}
I have never read the book but if your looking for point of view then 1st person uses words like "i,we,my,me." The narrator is in the story. 2nd person uses phrases like "You do this, you do that." 3rd person the narrator is telling you the story.
At higher levels you may be asked to consider the writer’s opinion or to give your opinion about a text.
Does the type of text help you understand the writer’s aim? e.g. a story is to entertain, a leaflet is to advertise and a report is to inform.
Look for language in the text that indicates the writer’s intention. e.g. ‘We should use ...’, ‘Experts warn us that ...’ to advise.
Look for language in the text that indicates the writer’s opinion. e.g. ‘In my view ...’, ‘I refuse to believe that ...’, etc.
To give your opinion use language such as ‘In my view ...’, ‘I believe ...’, etc.
Do you agree or disagree with things in the text? Explain why with your own words. ‘I agree that ... because ...’.
The summer flowers that trim the clothes of the Ghost of Christmas past symbolize (C) youth and health.
Dickens wants us to believe through the Ghost of Christmas past that we should keep alive the memories of Christmases spent in our childhood and cherish those memories as we become adults and have to shoulder so many more responsibilities. The summer flowers are a symbol of health and youthfulness that me must always keep in mind as we progress through the years.