Answer: If I’m not mistaken; Sewall quotes Matthew 19:6 from the Bible to argue that all humans are equal in the eyes of God, hence slavery is immoral.
Sewall was a well documented abolitionists who unlike many argued, as evident in this passage, that all humans are equal. he does this using the biblical reference stating the same as well as the concept of Redemption.
By saying that the black people from Africa are redeemable, he urges the Christians to think of them in the same purview they think of their fellow man from. the possibility of redeeming the slaves with christian faith is presented by him as a way of elevating them from their plight. Using the Bible, he is also able to argue that the condition of the saves and the black people from Africa can be the fault of white people.
Ann Quinlan was 21 y/o When she mixed Valium and alcohol by mistake. She was in a coma for about 6 years with no hope of ever getting well. Her parents fought for her to be allowed to be taken off of the machines and allowed to die. The courts ruled in her favor and she was slowly removed from the machines. But after having the machines removed she did not die and lived for about 10 more years. Her case started the “right to die” motion.
1) are sitting ; having ; watching
2) is reading ; is washing ; is watching ; am doing
3) are swimming ; is reading ; is drinking
4) is driving ; is talking
5) are sleeping ; am watching
6) are going
7) is helping ; are preparing
8) is wearing
9) am trying
10) is brushing
11) is planting
12) are climbing ; are having
13) am doing
singular ( 1 ) - is
plural ( > 1 ) - are