some disadvanteges the indians would have might include unreliable weapons, small militias and non permenent living areas
B) Singapore and Hong Kong
In Euromoneymagazine's 2017 semi-annual "Country Risk Rating. Singapore and Hong Kong was found to be the countries with the lowest political risk. This was as a result of stability in government which reduces the risk that their government would default on its financial commitments. And no possible changes in the business environment that may negatively affect operating profits.
El ciclo del agua es el viaje continuo que el agua toma desde el mar, hacia el cielo, hacia la tierra y de regreso al mar. El movimiento del agua alrededor de nuestro planeta es vital para la vida, ya que es compatible con plantas y animales.
The Red Sea and the Suez Canal are of strategic value in the region because this is one of the most important transport points for oil in the entire world. Much of the oil that comes from the Persian Gulf travels through the Suez Canal on its way to Europe and the United States. Control and stability of this area is of vital importance to the United States and European governments and markets.