Masacre de Nanjing donde las fuerzas imperiales japonesas ejecutaron deliberadamente a civiles chinos. Se estima que entre 50.000 y 300.000 personas murieron durante la masacre.
Causes of US failure in Vietnam include b) The United States supported corrupt leaders in Vietnam and d) Only a few US soldiers fought with honor.
One of the biggest issues of the Vietnamese war was that the United States went in because of anti-communism above all other reasons because of the Truman Doctrine. The South Vietnamese leaders were not well liked and were overall corrupt. The knowledge of this back home created a lot of public tension and actually caused soldiers to feel they weren't fighting for a good cause, or even commit war crimes as seen in the My Lai Massacre.
Hope I could help!
i cant do your work for you but we name parkes streets and scools after him and we have a whole day for him and we teach kids about him and we have a satue of him here is something to start u off
just have to read
After being passed by both houses of Congress, a constitutional amendment must still be passed by 3/4ths of the states. After it is passed by Congress and the states, it still must be approved by the US President. This is because the president has the power to veto any law passed by Congress. If the president vetoes (stops it from becoming a law) the amendment, the veto can be overrode by another vote in Congress.