In 1883, it was the "railroad industry" that was responsible for creating the first system of time zones in the United States, since the introduction of rail travel meant that there needed to be a set table of departure and arrival times across the US.
The Executive Committee of the National Security Council was a body of United States government officials that convened to advise President John F. Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.
Because the Judicial branch means its talking about the Supreme Court Justice
For more than a decade after its passage, the Sherman Act was invoked only rarely against industrial monopolies, and then not successfully, chiefly because of narrow judicial interpretations of what constitutes trade or commerce among states. When it was first passed, the Sherman Antitrust Act was largely ineffective at stopping industrial monopolies. Courts at the time tended to hold a very narrow view of what constituted “trade or commerce among states,” and most companies were not held liable under the act. For more than a decade after its passage, the Sherman Antitrust Act was invoked only rarely against industrial monopolies, and then not successfully. Ironically, its only effective use for a number of years was against labor unions, which were held by the courts to be illegal combinations.