A communication medium that carries a large amount of data at a fast speed is called broadband. Broadband can transmit multiple signals at the same time. The term gained popularity during the 1990s for the marketing of internet. The term is used in radio, television and internet terminology. Though there is slight difference in the definition in each category, the term primarily stands for the ability of a medium to send and receive a lot of data at a fast speed.
The sensitive compartmented information can not be compromised and in case found with the incident it must be reported to the security officer.
<h3>What is Sensitive Compartmented Information?</h3>
The sensitive compartmented information is given as the sensitive information to the United States gathered with the source of the intelligence and the analytical process.
The information has been sensitive and was considered not to be compromised. In case the information is found to be compromised, the security officer of the information must be contacted to check into the details.
Learn more about sensitive information, here:
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<span>A method in a class that modifies information about an object is called a <u>mutator</u> method.</span>