Answer: Today more people visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, which was dedicated in 1982, than any other site in Washington D.C. A moving Vietnam War Memorial tours the country and there are virtual memorials on the Internet. Every soldier whose name is on the Vietnam Memorial Wall has a hometown and a story.
Hope it help
100,000 years ago during the final part of the last Ice Age, sea levels dropped revealing land corridors that the Native Americans traveled on to get to North America. (land corridors)
We send out ships to go visit different countries because ships in a foreign countrys which enables it to avoid the regulations of the owners country
She was America's first prima ballerina, and the first Native American to do so. Her dancing revolutionized ballet, and though she retired in 1966 she continued to actively promote ballet in Chicago.
It created a barrier between the United States territory to the east of the river and English territory to the west. It connected them directly to the French in New Orleans, their biggest supporters during the war.