a)A member of the jury rises. "Not guilty," she says.
Isaac Newton promoted the idea that science must rely on repeated observation and experimentation.
Technology helps in dealing with economic emergencies like food shortage and disasters. Technology is used to study the existing environmental conditions in order for farmers to be guided with the right crops to plant at specific seasons to ensure maximum yields. In terms of disasters, technology is used for disaster risk reduction and management. This is done in order to minimize the effects that disasters have on the resources.
Maybe the most understood and enduring bit of Constantine's political portfolio is the 325 Chamber of Nicaea, a social occasion of around 300 clerics issuing an official articulation confirming Jesus Christ as totally celestial. This announcement of confidence is known as the forerunner to today's still popular Nicene Statement of faith. Indeed, Constantine put his political weight behind this belief, and the world still feels his impact. For example, I live in a somewhat residential community, yet I wouldn't need to go extremely far on a Sunday morning before I'd keep running into a Christian church showing the Nicene Statement of faith or citing it as an assemblage.