Of great value; not to be wasted or treated carelessly.
Physically hurt; having an injury
harmed, damaged, impaired
example: “a road accident left him severely injured”
Well Theres this treatment u can try where u drink like tea and add lemon and stuff like that and ginger and it helps you
you should ask if you can take a test but try to stay from people as much and Always wear a mask even inside your home but get the blue ones they seam safer
DRink alot of water
If you have a medical appointment, notify your healthcare provider ahead of time that you have or may have CO VID-19.
Stay in a specific room and away from other people in your home. If possible, use a separate bathroom. If you must be around others, wear a mask.
You will get through this<3
Benefits could include: locating a hostage, lowering crime rates, population stats
disadvantages could include: invasion of privacy, violation of our human rights
hope this helps you ! -isabel