It is important to have a primary source and a secondary source because it allows you to set up the writing and add information to support or disagree with the topic. If you were reading two books and you were planning on comparing/contrasting them using a specific topic, those two books would be your primary sources. The primary sources are the bulk of the writing while the secondary sources add on in support with your argument. Secondary sources would be source outside of your primary sources (Internet, magazines, newspapers, etc). Primary source is the main source. Secondary source is the source outside of your main source. Secondary sources are usually used to give your paper more factual evidence or things of that source.
A simile is a figure of speech used in comparing two unlike things that is often introduced by like or as
Perhaps a great aunt died and she left the person money. The person wasn't expecting to get an inheritance, so it was unexpected.
Answer: um it didnt really effect me because i still managed to talk to my friends and stuff it did make me a little frustrated because it was kind of hard to get it to work
Rawrrrrr your cat is cutee:)