Summary is the basic understanding text for a theory or text that needs simple explanation.
Putting a text in to simple forms i known as summary. The original text is first analyzed and transitioned to simple words as in who and did what and what happened or as a result in the end.
Summary is the basic understanding text for a theory or text that needs simple explanation. Summary Formula has various forms like narrative, argumentative, definition, topic restrictions, solution frame. Summary formulas helps a novel or theory to be better understanding and easy to analyze it critically.
The method of record-keeping that Martinez is utilizing is event sampling
Event sampling is a record-keeping technique that many people who work in education use, this is a technique that contains small stories of incidents or events that have happened in the day, this notes are normally short, then a small card would work perfectly to take a few notes as the event occurs and later keep an organized record of occurrences.
Instead of this you could find your own answer. Its easy
<em><u>Monday, 13 September</u> met Gala was held in 2021</em><em>.</em>
Online games : Are games that are played online