A noun is a person, place, or thing
it can open new oppurtunities because it shows that they are the same and have the same ways to improve on an issue - like thinking of barack who used code switching and became succesful because he let others know he was no different and was accepted by speaking in their same way
i hope that makes sense also if you code switch there will be less oppurtunities closing to you , POC IT helps them face less racism in a way
Capitalization. You gonna fail this cuss of you don’t know this stuff
Marji confronts Ramin and forgives him, but Ramin has been indoctrinated by his family to believe a different truth about the war. When repeating the conversation to her mother, Marji reveals the gap between those who are fighting for the Shah and those who want to continue living in the ideals of Western tradition, all of which goes over Marji's head.
last is first, third is second, second is third, and first is last.
hopes is helps