D). Difficult or impossible to understand or comprehend: Unintelligible.
The word 'incomprehensible' denotes 'anything beyond understanding or something that is unable to be explained or comprehended.'
In the given sentence, the most appropriate meaning of this word would be 'unintelligible' which implies 'difficult or indeed impossible to understand.' It connotes 'an unclear or inexplicable idea.' The synonyms of the word could be 'indecipherable, inarticulate, incoherent, impenetrable, etc.' Another sentence using the word could be:
'His sudden anger at the party was incomprehensible(beyond understanding) to the entire crowd out there.'
Therefore, option D is the correct answer.
It seems the most logical. A thesis is a theory to be proven.
<u><em>Judson Webb died by drinking a bottle of whiskey that contained two tablets of rat poison.</em></u><em>
Ruthless is an exceptional story written by William de Mille. Judson Webb is one of the main characters of this story. The author elaborates on how Judson kills himself after he leaves his camp in the mountains.
The main theme of this story is that <em>any act of revenge has its devastating drawbacks</em>. One can not shake this feeling off and sooner or later gets punished for their wrong doings.
<em>Judson is shown to be very evil and his wife fears him.</em>
Well anorexic is not exactly an endearing quality. If Helen is svelte, she would hardly like to be called anorexic. The former means that she is exotic in a very attractive manner as well as being athletically thin. That's a real compliment. Anorexic is a disease caused by undereating.
He should be sensitive to how she things about language and how careful she is. D might be a factor.
She would hardly care how anorexic originated. It's not something she likely wants to be associated with.
If the word has a hidden meaning form denotation, then it is something to consider carefully. Skinny is an example. Scrawny is even worse. Helen would not like to be called either of those. They have a disagreeable meaning associated with them.
I'm not sure what the proper interpretation of thematic form of a word is. I know what a theme is, and it does not sound very romantic, unless he's going to go on forever about her thinness which is not very smart.
I would choose B. Don't use words that have hidden meanings or obvious connotations.
The rule is that when the conjunction and is used to connect two independent clauses to create one compound sentence, there should always be a comma before and. Having this in mind, the correct answer is the first choice - The library of congress houses over 147 million items, and it is the largest library in the world.