Is is important to be knowledgeable about the world and current events
He used riddling to talk to Smaug I think because he wanted to stall and waste time as he figured out a plan. He also used riddles to talk to Golem who he clearly was trying to stall to save himself as Golem wanted to kill and eat Bilbo. So it is a reoccurring theme of Bilbo and it makes sense.
Independent clause.
"Condors are beautiful" still makes total sense when you take out the rest of that sentence. However, "when they soar high above the cliffs" makes no sense standing alone. Therefore the latter is a dependent clause, while "Condors are beautiful" is the independent clause.
Chin-Kee is a fictional character from the graphic novel "American Born Chinese" which was written by Gene Luen Yang. It is unclear whose side of the family Chin-Kee is actually from since it is never explicitely mentioned in the novel but what is clear is that the Monkey King has transformed into Chin-Kee by the end of the novel, while Jin Wang has transformed into the white American teen Danny who hates Chin-Kee.