For the answer to the question above,
Dear John,
Our journey from Vietnam has been very rough, with so many sick people on this ship, yet it would be better than the czar's army. I will write again when I am ready for a wife. The Americans here did not take to kindly to us immigrating. I hope this life works out.
Miss Philadelphia
Classical Greece dated back to 323 BC.
Deer Creek is an important site because it provides evidence that trades occurred between a French in the Wichita in Oklahoma territory hundreds of years ago. archaeologist found Buffalo remains and scraping tools in the middens of trash heaps all the site as well as European manufacturer items such as beads,kettles,metal tools and gun parts based on these artifacts archaeologists believe that the site was used for meat processing.
It´s feudal society.
It´s feudal society.
It´s feudal society.
It´s feudal society.
It´s feudal society.
It´s feudal society.It´s feudal society.