The volume is mass density is h,w,l
This may be the case because of the placements of the spread. While one is more cluttered, the other is a bit more spread apart. Meaning that the GeoChart on the right must have more cases, exactly because of their population.
I am more of a chemistry person, but my best answer is the double-helix structure. The DNA rotate around a central point allowing it to keep a constant distance
What are the different pools and fluxes of carbon? Why are they important? This page provides a compilation of information and relevant links to help answer some of these questions.
The Carbon Cycle: What is the Carbon Cycle? What is the fast and slow cycle and how are they influenced?
Carbon Measurement Approaches and Accounting Frameworks: Approaches and methods for carbon stock and flow estimations, measurements, and accounting
The North American Carbon Cycle: The latest (2018) assessment and budget
Webinar Series Videos: 'The State of the Carbon Cycle: From Science to Solutions'
The Global Carbon Budget : The Global Carbon Budget as calculated by a global group of scientists
Frequently asked questions and their answers: Answers to commonly asked questions such as the following are listed here: Can you quantify the sources and sinks of the global carbon cycle? How much carbon is stored in the different ecosystems? In terms of mass, how much carbon does 1 part per million by volume of atmospheric CO2 represent? What percentage of the CO2 in the atmosphere has been produced by human beings through the burning of fossil fuels?