<span>it comes and goes through the madreporite - a small valve like structure</span>
Magnetite is black or brownish-black with a metallic luster, has a Mohs hardness of 5–6 and leaves a black streak.
Reasons why Maria will have tissue ischemia:
1. Because of evident problems with her blood circulation, this means insuficent blood flow. This shows in the edema she has.
2. The ischemia can lead to hypoxia because of the lack of oxygen in the blood stream to reach to the tissue cells.
Ischemia is a health problem characterized by the lack of oxygen that the bloods transports to the tissues in the body.
Hypoxia is related to the unsuficient oxigen supply gettin to a certain regions of the body or to the entire body.
Alfred Russel Wallace, a biologist, naturalist and anthropologist who studied life in the tropics of Indonesia came up with the same idea of natural selection as Charles Darwin and prompted Darwin to publish his Origin of Specie sooner rather than later. He also studied the geographic distribution of species and as as well he was a social activist who criticized capitalism and warned of damage to the environment from man's economic activities.
Cytokinesis takes place in both meiosis and mitosis and performs the separation of he cell in half and form one nucleus into each daughter cell.
If cytokinesis did not happen, it will from multinucleated cells which means that their will be multiple nuclei in single cell and cell will not get separate in half, and no new daughter cells will form.