1. Information system is a collection of people, procedures, software, hardware, and data to provide essential information to run an organization.
2. Thesaurus is a software tool used in Microsoft Word document to provide synonyms and antonyms for a selected word.
3. Computer component refers to a basic physical element that is required by the computer to function.
In C influenced languages - 0.
You are probably blocked from that website or your schools program blocks that website from your device
integer userInput
integer i
integer mid
integer array(20) number
userInput = 1
for i = 0; userInput >= 0; i = i + 1
if number[i] > -1
userInput = Get next input
number[i] = userInput
i = i - 1
mid = i / 2
if i > 9
Put "Too many inputs" to output
elseif i % 2 == 0
Put number[mid - 1] to output
Put number[mid] to output