Archaeologists look for patterns in the artifacts they study that give them clues about how the people who made and used them lived. ... Prehistoric archaeology refers to the study of human prehistory, or the period of human history before written records existed. This comprises
Darwin's main contribution to the theory of evolution was his theory of natural selection.
Natural selection is the phenomenon that some organisms from a particular population fit better into their environment, that is, are more likely to provide surviving offspring than less well-adapted organisms. The best adapted organisms will increasingly gain the upper hand within the population (survival of the fittest). It is thus one of the mechanisms of evolution. Mutations in, and recombinations of, the genetic material of the organisms cause the genetic variation in the population, allowing this selection.
- Congress set up House of Committer on Un-Acticities to look for Communists both inside and outside the Gov.
- Hollywood executives crated a list of some 500 people they thought werecommunist. These people's names were put on the blacklist
- Congress passed the McCarren Act, whivh outlawed the planning of any action that might lead to a totalitarian dictatorship in the USA.
Answer: Widespread resistance to the 1793 law led to the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850.