Penelope basically tells the suitors that the man who can string the bow and shoot an arrow through 12 axe heads will win her hand and marriage. So disguised as a beggar Odysseus successfully strings the bow and grabs an arrow and shoots it straight through 12 axe heads. Eventually he makes his way back to Penelope but she isn’t convinced is really him. So she tells him that he can sleep outside her room on the bed on the bed that Odysseus carved. Oddysseus snapped and asked her who moved the his bed that was carved straight from the roots of a olive tree that the room was built around. Penelope knew that only he would have known about the bed so she instantly knew it was him.
shape metal by melting it and pouring it into a mold
To cast is to pour a melted metal into a mold so that it acquires the form of the mold. A cast piece is not formed under pressure but rather left to take on the shape of the mold in which it is poured.
Casting can be used for many different types of material, of which some of the most common are plastics and metals since they can be melted relatively easily and their is a demand for them to be made into certain shapes.
Answer: Amazement.
Explanation: her classmates would be amazed because her accent and dialect is new and maybe foreign to them, hence they would most probably be amazed
The option C) The students protested again the tardy policy.
It manages to be concise by using a direct language, a simple structure and just the necessary of words.