About 3000years ago the bronze age was replaced by the iron age.
Hope it helps
The great lakes or oceans
They are also known as tidal waves.
They form in warm water, usually near islands, which is why they are tropical. Examples are Hawaiian waves, Japanese mini typhoons, etc.
Love waves are the most dangerous kind of waves that can tear apart structures
“Ring of Fire” is this related to tsunamis as -
The Ring of fire is basically a large area in the pacific ocean , where many Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occurs .
The area is 40,000 Km and is in the shape of a horseshoe shape , with 452 Volcanoes , from which 75 percent are the world's active volcanoes .
It is also referred to as the Circum - pacific belt .
The Ring of Fire is related to tsunamis as -
Most of the Tsunamis ( approximately 80% ) , occurs in the pacific Ocean ,
In the Ring of Fire , a geographically active area where tectonic shifts make volcanoes and the earthquakes .