This could possibly be because the more advanced countries are more advanced in technology and have vehicles, and those vehicles produce CO2. And because of the greenhouse gas effect the more CO2 that is produced the warmer the earth will be.
Answer: Some societies succeed and others fail for many reasons. They could have a bad ruler, it depends on thier rules, how the people in the society behaved, etc.
Water is used by the farms for irrigation purpose as well as in cities it is used for other various purposes such as drinking purposes.
Water is used in agriculture so that crops , fruits as well as vegetables can be grown. It is also used to raise livestock. There are various uses of farm water they are as follows, for irrigation, for applying pesticides as well as while applying fertilizers, it is used for crop cooling and lastly for frost control.
Water is used by cities for various purposes such as it provides water for drinking purposes, water is used for cleaning street, watering the trees, grasses in parks.
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