A former Whig, Lincoln ran on a political platform opposed to the expansion of slavery in the territories. His election served as the immediate impetus for the outbreak of the Civil War. After being sworn in as president, Lincoln refused to accept any resolution that would result in Southern secession from the Union.
The dominant party, the Democratic Party, had split into two sectional factions, with each promoting its own candidate. ... The Constitutional Union Party was also new; 1860 was the first and only time the party ran a candidate for president. The results of the 1860 election pushed the nation into war.
I’m on the same question lol
The fundamental driver of the two emergencies lies in activities of the central government. On account of the Great Depression in the wake of keeping loan costs falsely low in the 1920s, brought financing costs up in 1929 to end the subsequent blast. That helped interfere with speculation. Additionally, President Hoover marked into law the out of this world Smoot-Hawley Tariff, which smothered exchange and harmed American fares all through the 1930s. At last, the President marked a huge expense increment into law in 1932, which stopped business enterprise.
The seeds of the Great Recession were planted when the administration in the 1990s started pushing homeownership, notwithstanding for uncreditworthy individuals, with a retaliation. Home loan sponsored securities based on questionable home loan credits moved toward becoming "poisonous" when the lodging market took a downturn, and numerous American banks skirted on crumble. The administration's earnest wants to salvage different banks and organizations made vulnerability and unsteadiness, and this may have broadened the retreat.
<h3>Calculator and electronic digital watch.</h3>
- The Texas Instruments introduced consumer-electronic calculators in the market in 1972 with its own developed affordable four-ounce portable calculators. The demand for these calculators increased rapidly as it was affordable for all.
- The Texas Instruments revolutionized the digital electronic watch when it introduced its affordable electronic digital watch in 1976. The LED watches became a growing demand in the market as it was affordable and first of its kind.
The Big Stick Diplomacy was implemented by Theodore Roosevelt and was a policy of intervenience in Latin American affairs because in the American view those countries could not keep their affairs in order.
The Dollar Diplomacy adopted by President Taft that promoted the American business interests abroad by replacing military alliances with economic ties, increasing American influences and securing lasting peace.
Both Diplomacies had problems but historians say that Roosevelt’s Big Stick was more successful overall because it resulted in more benefits than failures. The other two diplomacies increased hostility in Latin America and in Asia that eventually influenced the Alliances in WWI.