C. Harmful or injurious to health or physical well-being
The attributes which make any type of government unique are it's characteristic. As a government form, some characteristics of a welfare state are a benefit and some are not.
<span><span>toneforceful, logicalforceful, impassioned</span><span>purposeto present opposing arguments in order to refute a viewpointto state an opinion</span><span>structureshort sections stating different key ideasexpert opinion interwoven with historical data and anecdotes</span><span>opinionCarbon dioxide emissions are beneficial rather than harmful.Historical data does not show a problem from increased fossil fuel use. On the contrary, to improve the human experience, people everywhere should be able to use cheap fuels.</span><span>persuasive techniquesscientific data, appeal to logicscientific data, expert opinion, emotional appeal</span><span>textual evidence for persuasive techniques<span>scientific data:
“As presently constituted, earth's atmosphere contains only 370 parts per million (ppm) of the colorless and odorless gas we call carbon dioxide.”appeal to logic:
“If, then, the climate models cannot correctly predict what should be relatively easy for them to correctly predict (the effect of global warming on extreme weather events), why should we believe what they say about something infinitely more complex (the effect of a rise in the air's CO2 content on mean global air temperature)?” </span><span>scientific data:
chart showing increase in human life span because of technological progressemotional appeal:
speaker's reference to his grandson</span></span><span>influence of persuasive techniquesleaves the reader with a sense that there is no room for further debate<span>short, direct presentation makes a favorable impact on the viewer, but the relevance to the issue is not clear</span></span></span>
Very social there are always people coming up and more people after the next
When you join something like ig or and other social media you always end up with 10 or 20 followers in the next half hour