The main power of the legislative branch is their ability to make laws. If bills pass the House of Representatives and the Senate, all they need is a signature from the president so that it will be a legitimate law.
As far as debating bills in the different branches of the legislature, there are a few differences between the two. For example in the House of Representatives, there isn't anything such as an unlimited debate. The time used to debate a bill is limited. As for the Senate, members can in a way lay back and relax and stall and spend all the time in the world debating about a bill. The longest running debate was 48 hours long! This my friend is called a filibuster.
A difference in special powers between the House and Senate is their heavy affect on impeachment on high government officials(Such as the President of U.S.), they have the ability to push and throw out impeachment charges. However, it is the Senate that will hear the case and decide on whether the person will be removed from office or not.
The phrase Advice and Consents means that Under the Constitution, presidential nominations different posts take effect only when confirmed by the Senate. As well as with international treaties. The Senate must confirm it for it to become effective.
Karl Marx published The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital
Hope this helps.
Following group was most denied the protection of democratic principles because of Executive Order 9066 :
( A ) Japanese Americans
showing a high degree of skill and flair; complete or perfect.