Henry Ford was the first person to make a factory line, where more product can be made and sold in a shorter amount of time. This was on of things that kicked of the start of the Industrial Revelution. Henery Ford showed a lot of courage and was very brave to do this because there was always dobts about getting more done in the short amount of time. But he was the one who accomplished it. He accmplished something great. He was the lead on the factor line (assemble line) age. Inconclusion Henry Ford role was very import to modern day.
(D) 'The Mayflower Compact' is the correct answer.
I think you forgot to add some detail but based on my research, the correct answer to this question is "A Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution." Thank you for posting your question. I hope that this answer helped you. Let me know if you need more help.
Limiting the number of German soldiers and ships,
dividing Germany into a number of smaller countries,
prohibiting Germany from having submarines or an air force,
preventing Germany from gaining weapons and war materials
The War of 1812.
A war between the US and G. Britain caused by American outrage over the impressment of American sailors by the British, the seizing of American ships, and British aid to the Native Indians attacking the Americans on the western frontier. All this enhances the feeling of nationalism among the Americans and caused the war of 1812.