Bogalusa Civic and Voters' League
A.Z. Young. This young man started the walk that was a 105 mile march and it ended on the steps of the state capital of Louisiana.
I believe A might be right
A and C my dude................
Answer: The Human Development Index is a search for components of society's progress towards economic and social achievement.
There are three dimensions to human development:
- life expectancy is achieved by the ability to live a long and healthy life,
- education achieved is achieved through the ability to acquire knowledge,
- the standard of living made is achieved through the ability to provide a decent income for life.
¨More than half of the world’s population now live in urban areas — increasingly in highly-dense cities. However, urban settings are a relatively new phenomenon in human history. This transition has transformed the way we live, work, travel and build networks.¨
-Our World in Data