Answer:horrible runny burnt
For the 21st Century student, reading Aristotle's 'Rhetoric' can be painful, however there are some important points to discover in relation to the art of persuasion.Aristotle was an Ancient Greek philosopher, and provides one of the earliest discourses on the art of persuasion in the Western tradition.
He tells his confidant (or confidante) that: A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser. He wants to be sure he will not only not get caught but will not even be a suspect. Montresor uses his acting ability when he first encounters the drunken Fortunato celebrating the carnival on the street.
He tells his confidant (or confidante) that: A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser. He wants to be sure he will not only not get caught but will not even be a suspect. Montresor uses his acting ability when he first encounters the drunken Fortunato celebrating the carnival on the street.
The use of the pronoun is also still present in poetry. ... In addition, the translators of the King James Version of the Bible attempted to maintain the distinction found in Hebrew between singular and plural second person pronouns. As such, they used "thou" for singular, and "you" for plural.